From 2020 to 2021, I teach the following courses:
- Organisational Analysis 2: Organisational Change (with dr. Daniel Kontowski and dr. Fatima Djamirze), School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen, 2020
- Uniwersytet jako dobro wspólne. Filozofia dobra wspólnego [The university as common good. Philosophy of the common good], a course for philosophy students at Adam Mickiewicz University, 2020
- Education, Workplace, Life, School of Advanced Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen, 2021
In 2020, I teach the following courses for PhD students of Doctoral School of Humanities:
- Metodologia badań naukowych [Research methodology], Adam Mickiewicz University
- Specyfika pracy naukowej w dyscyplinie [Specificity of scientific work in the discipline], Adam Mickiewicz University
In 2016, I teach the following courses:
- Transformacje organizacji na przykładzie uniwersytetu [Transformation of organisations based on the example of a university], a course for philosophy students at Adam Mickiewicz University
From 2014-2024, I teach a series of seminars, public discussions about books, workshops and lectures open to students and doctoral students at AMU and other universities in Poland.
Selected events:
- Common Good and the Common Good, 2014/2015 (co-ordinated with Dr. Piotr Juskowiak)
- Reading ‘Capital’, 2017/2018
- Philosophy of Higher Education, 2021-2022
- Science and (semi)peripheries, 2021-2024
- University and Ontology, 2023-2024 (co-ordinated with Dr. Jakub Krzeski)